Tag: beta bot

guard4you.info (Betabot http botnet hosted by ecatel.net)


Resolved guard4you.info to Server:  guard4you.info Gate file:  /customer/order.php Alternate domains:  nexusguardian.info vote4us.info meet2n8.info This is the same idiot as this previous betabot. After three of the free domains he used were suspended due to reports (lol), he decided try again with paid domains. He’s upgraded to four .info domains registered at namecheap, probably allRead more...

betabros.in (Several http botnets hosted by hostkey.ru)


Resolved betabros.in to Server:  betabros.in Gate file:  /beta/order.php The owner should keep a closer eye on the fake forum he setup for cover. 1071 pages of pharmacy spam and counting. Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/ EDIT: Bitcoin and litecoin mining. macromedia.exe -a scrypt -o http://us.litecoinpool.org:9332 -u marvid.disfig -p x shell.exe -o stratum+tcp://stratum.btcguild.com:3333 -u vapor_3 -p xRead more...

jkdef8.ws (Betabot http botnet hosted by ecatel.net)


Resolved jkdef8.ws to Server:  jkdef8.ws Gate file:  /papka/order.php Alternate domains (currently unregistered): jkdef6.ws jkdef7.ws jkdef10.ws jkdef11.ws jkdef12.ws jkdef13.ws jkdef14.ws jkdef15.ws jkdef16.ws jkdef17.ws jkdef18.ws jkdef19.ws jkdef20.ws jkdef21.ws jkdef22.ws Bitcoin mining info:  http://pooledbits.com:8337 -u nigfinity.1 -p x Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/

msn.3utilities.com (Betabot http botnet hosted by ecatel.net)


Resolved  msn.3utilities.com to Server:  msn.3utilities.com Port:  81 Gate file:  /help/order.php Alternate domains: videoparadise.biz kittybook.biz        msn1981.3utilities.com dates4you.tk Three out of the five domains are free and easy to get suspended. Pro botherder here. Bitcoin mining info:  stratum+tcp://eu-stratum.btcguild.com:3333 -u m4tr1x_neo -p 123 -t 0 -I -3 Litecoin mining info:  -a scrypt -o http://kittybook.no-ip.biz:8332 -u m4tr1x_0Read more...

solutionswiki.com (Betabot http botnet hosted by alibabahost.com)


Resolved solutionswiki.com to Server:  solutionswiki.com Port:  4137 Gate file:  /system/order.php I don’t know why betabot owners keep putting their http servers on ports other than 80. Seems pretty dumb. I guess you can only expect so much from a HF bot and it’s owners. Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/

beta.uandmearevideos1.com (Betabot http botnet hosted by cheaphosts.ru)


Resolved beta.uandmearevideos1.com to Server:  beta.uandmearevideos1.com Gate file:  /direct/mail/order.php Alternate domains: beta.uandmearevideos2.com beta.stop2teaseme.com beta.pixartzone.com beta.dietmydart.com beta.worldwipeme.com beta.thegamejuststarted11.com beta.thegamejuststarted13.com beta.thegamejuststarted14.com beta.thegamejuststarted15.com beta.thegamejuststarted12.com beta.thegamejuststarted10.com beta.mypaintdress.com Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/