Port: 6969
Channel: #KaRmA##
#KaRmA## 24 [+smntu]
Nick format: [USA|XP|kikwxww]
Channel: #AryaN#
#AryaN# 6 [+smntu]
Nick format: AryaN{US-XP-x86}1352555
Channel: #pBot#
#pBot# 8 [+smntMu]
Nick format: KaRmA{VN-XP-x86}0123624
Channel: ##Nix##
##Nix## 4 [+smntMu]
Nick format: Linux||296703
Channel: ##ngr
##ngr 6 [+smntu]
Nick format: {VN|XPa}sqgblol
Weed motd
* - With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. * - * - * - . * - dM * - MMr * - 4MMML . * - MMMMM. xf * - . "M6MMM .MM- * - Mh.. +MM5MMM .MMMM * - .MMM. .MMMMML. MMMMMh * - )MMMh. MM5MMM MMMMMMM * - 3MMMMx. 'MMM3MMf xnMMMMMM" * - '*MMMMM MMMMMM. nMMMMMMP" * - *MMMMMx "MMM5M .MMMMMMM= * - *MMMMMh "MMMMM" JMMMMMMP * - MMMMMM GMMMM. dMMMMMM . * - MMMMMM "MMMM .MMMMM( .nnMP" * - .. *MMMMx MMM" dMMMM" .nnMMMMM* * - "MMn... 'MMMMr 'MM MMM" .nMMMMMMM*" * - "4MMMMnn.. *MMM MM MMP" .dMMMMMMM"" * - ^MMMMMMMMx. *ML "M .M* .MMMMMM**" * - *PMMMMMMhn. *x > M .MMMM**"" * - ""**MMMMhx/.h/ .=*" * - .3P"%.... * - nP" "*MMnx * - * - * - This IRC Network belongs to Haze. * - If you are not authorized to be connected to this server type /disconnect now.
Hazenet has been posted before
Still hosting in North America, lets see how that works out for you.
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