(Linux Perl bots hosted by Ecatel.net)

Port:  6667

* There are 1 users and 3854 invisible on 1 servers
* 24 :unknown connection(s)
* 45 :channels formed
* I have 3855 clients and 0 servers
* 3855 15196 :Current local users 3855, max 15196
* 3855 5212 :Current global users 3855, max 5212 

Channel:  #X (Perl bots) Bot Source

my @mast3rs = ("pizza");
my @hostauth = ("sosick.net");
my @admchan=("#X");
my @server = ("");

Channel:  #fuckspot (energymech mod) Thanks to this commentor for the channel

Bot numbers:

 Channel          Users   Topic
 #X               938     [+smntT] 
 #fuckspot        1373    [+sntCT] 

Hosting info: http://whois.domaintools.com/

If you find any other channels let us know in the comments

EDIT: engerymech file: hxxp://fallencrafts.info/download/pizz.tgz
On Malwr.com with md5 ef6015c39834ad01c4da589bc42ccb50 if he takes it down.

Categories: Uncategorized