* C&C Server:
* Server Password:
* Username: XP-3233
* Nickname: [DEU|00|P|61069]
* Channel: #uNk (Password: test)
* Channeltopic: :*.msn.msg hola!!! vas a mirar o no la foto? dale!!!! http://liz2009.fileave.com/foto.exe 😛 🙂
* IRC Data
o User Name: XP-9745
o Host Name: *
o Server Name:
o Real Name: DWI-9625AC2E275
o Password: s3cutr1tysh3ll
o Nick Name: [USA|00|P|71457]
o Non RFC Conform: 1
+ Channel
# Name: #uNk
# Password: test
# Topic Deleted: :*.msn.msg hola!!! vas a mirar o no la foto? dale!!!! http://liz2009.fileave.com/foto.exe 😛 🙂
+ Notice Message Deleted
# Value: :irc.botitos.net NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname…
# Value: :irc.botitos.net NOTICE AUTH :*** Couldn’t resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
Invisible Users: 6
Channels: 24 channels formed
Clients: I have 188 clients and 0 servers
Local users: Current Local Users: 188 Max: 1384
Global users: Current Global Users: 188 Max: 316